Apply for Rural Roots

Your CFSNM is excited to share this opportunity with American AgCredit of the Rural Roots Grant application. Rural Roots supports NM Youth Ag Organizations and/or Programming, Protecting NM Agriculture, Direct Producers Support in NM, Under-served Populations within NM, Fighting Hunger in NM, NM Producer Education, and Ag Education in NM. Grants will focus on the five areas listed below in the New Mexico map. The Rural Roots Advisors are committed to supporting grantmaking throughout the entire state of New Mexico. 

Application opens January 21, 2025

To manage the endowment, AAC is proud to partner with the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico (CFSNM). This endowment will focus on investing in the long-term viability, sustainability, and profitability of agriculture in New Mexico. For over 34 years, CFSNM has awarded grants, scholarship, and emergency funding throughout southern New Mexico. In partnership with the Rural Roots Endowment, the endowment committee and CFSNM will be able to impact all counties in New Mexico. Since the CFSNM team is located in Las Cruces, New Mexico, they will be traveling to ensure grant opportunities are brought to the Rural Roots Endowment Committee annually from each corner of our beautiful state.

What organizations qualify for the endowment?
American AgCredit designed the endowment to provide grants and direct funds to New Mexico agricultural organizations such as:

  • New Mexico youth organizations (FFA, 4-H, junior livestock, scholarships, etc.)
  • Underserved populations of producers within New Mexico (support that goes to groups of producers that may be traditionally underserved minority populations)
  • Direct producer support in New Mexico (grants and direct funds to producers’ start-up, economic development, and/or conservation)
  • Protecting New Mexico agriculture (giving to organizations working to protect the rights of ag producers)
  • Fighting hunger in New Mexico (support to groups that support feeding New Mexico, such as food banks).
  • New Mexico producer education (for items such a regenerative farming practices, organic, all-natural, local, or other programs that may assist producers to create further value for their operations)
  • Ag education in New Mexico (support for groups that educate the general population about agriculture, such as ag in the classroom, pumpkin patches, etc.)

Rural Roots Advisors

Cary Crist

Kelly Peterson

Leon Porter

Scott Shafer

Shacey Sullivan

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