More Ways to Give

There are several ways to give to the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico and structure your permanent endowment fund to help the causes you care about most.

  • To make a gift to your existing fund, click the MyCFSNM link at the top of this website.
  • To make a gift to any other CFSNM fund, click the Donate Now link at the top of the page.

Give By Mail

Please make gifts by check or money order payable to the “The Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico”. Please also include a short note (or memo on your check) stating the purpose or designation of your gift. (Example: For Animal Companions, La Mesa Lions Club Main Fund, or Greatest Needs Impact Fund) in the memo section of your check.

If mailing using the United States Postal Service (USPS), please address as follows:

The Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico

2640 El Paseo Rd. 

Las Cruces, NM 88001

Cash Gifts

Cash and personal checks are the simplest way to give. Cash gifts enable donors to claim a current income-tax deduction of up to 50 percent of their adjusted gross income in the year of the gift with a five-year carry forward.

Publicly traded securities and mutual funds

Donors receive a double income tax benefit when they give publicly traded securities or mutual funds (i.e., securities for which there is a recognized market, such as the NYSE.) These gifts are deductible at their full market value, and the donor avoids capital gains on the stock’s appreciation. Donors can claim a current income tax deduction of up to 30 percent of their adjusted gross income with a five-year carry forward, if required.

Closely held stock

We review proposed gifts of closely held stock case by case. If accepted, donors are entitled to a deduction for the appraised fair market value of the gift, up to 30 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income. Capital gains are also avoided.

Life Insurance

Donors may name the Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of existing policies that they no longer need. Donors are entitled to a federal tax deduction for the cash surrender value in the year the gift is made. Learn More.

Real Estate

Gifts of real estate include homes, farms, ranches, commercial buildings or income-producing land. All gifts of real estate will require certain procedural steps, including site visit, environmental assessment and a qualified appraisal. The Foundation accepts real estate on a case-by-case basis.

Gift Annuities

Contributing to a gift annuity with the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico ensures a lasting impact. Your support fosters community growth, providing financial stabil

As you plan for your future philanthropic giving, one option to consider is the creation of a charitable gift annuity (CGA). CGAs are a popular choice because they provide future income to you and/or a loved one for life, as well as support for organizations that matter to you.

Planned Gifts

The Foundation’s Community Legacy Society recognizes people who are making gifts today that will provide significant benefits to our community in the future. A gift can be as simple as including a bequest to the Community Foundation in your will. You may leave a percentage of your estate, specify the dollar amount, or designate the Community Foundation as a contingent beneficiary.


Now it’s even easier to donate to the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico. Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. Learn More.

Build Your Legacy.

Give to a fund or establish your own to create lasting change in our community.

Build Your Legacy.

Give to a fund or establish your own to create lasting change in our community.

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